The service is care for individuals for a limited part of the day. It can be provided in certain premises, in the individual’s home, or elsewhere. The service doesn't include any housing.
Out-patient care may be aimed at children, young people, adults or families with some form of need within the social services' remit of responsibility. Authorisation may also be sought for day activities for the elderly.
For a service to be subject to authorisation, the care must be extensive and intervene in the individual’s life.
Application for permit
Application for permit Non-institutional care/day activities (Swedish)
Swedish regulations
Legal requirement for authorisation/licensing
Lag (2001:453) socialtjänstlagen (SoL)
Förordning (2001:937) Socialtjänstförordning
Regulations, manuals and knowledge support at the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen)
National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) webpage