Daily activities (LSS)

Daily activities are intended to provide a meaningful occupation based on the individual's specific abilities.

The service may include both activities with habilitation and more production-orientated tasks. Daily activities are not a form of employment and the work is not remunerated. It may however be aimed at developing the individuals' opportunity to carry out paid work.

The service is provided to people of working age, who don't have paid employment or studying and who belong to category 1 or 2 according to Article 1 of the LSS.

There must be a supervisor for the service, who is responsible for the daily work and for ensuring that the service is conducted with good quality and provides good care.

Application for permit

Application for permit Daily activities (LSS) (Swedish)

Swedish regulations

Legal requirement for authorisation/licensing

Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS)

Förordning (1993:1090) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade

Regulations, manuals and knowledge support at the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen)

National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) webpage

Senast uppdaterad 2020-12-11